Neurosurgery of St. Louis
12855 N. Forty Drive, Suite 125
St. Louis, Missouri 63141

Former Herbert Lourie Professor of Neurosurgery
at Washington University in St Louis
Neurosurgery of St. Louis
12855 N. Forty Drive, Suite 125
St. Louis, Missouri 63141

Please click below for Dr. Wright's clinical webpage

Khalifeh, J.M., Akbari, S.H., Khandpur, U., Johnston, W., Wright, N.M., Hawasli, A.H., Dorward, I., Santiago, P., and Ray, W.Z. Validation of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) in patients undergoing cervical spine surgery. Spine 44(23):1676-84, 2019.
Kim, K.D., Ramanathan, D., Highsmith, J., Lavelle, W., Gerszten, P., Vale, F., and Wright, N.M. DuraSeal Exact is a safe adjunctive treatment for durotomy in spine: postapproval study. Global Spine J, 2018
Hawasli, A., Cashin, J., and Wright, N.M. Modular cervical plate system for adjacent segment disease. J Neurosurgical Sci, Feb 23, 2018.
Luksanapruksa, P., Buchowski, J.M., Wright, N.M., Valone, F.H., Peters, C., and Bumpass, D.B. Outcomes and effectiveness of posterior occipitocervical fusion for suboccipital spinal metastases. J Neurosurgery: Spine 26(5):554-9, 2016.
Stephens, B.H., and Wright, N.M. Reconstruction of the C1 lateral mass with a titanium expandable cage after resection of eosinophilic granuloma in an adult patient. J Neurosurgery: Spine 26(2):252-6, 2016 [cover article].
Murphy, R., Sun, P., Junqian, X., Wong, Y., Sullivan, S., Gamble, P., Wagner, J., Wright, N.M., Dorward, I.G., Riew, K.D., Santiago, P., Kelly, M.P., Trinaus, K., Ray, W.Z., and Song, S.-K. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarker of Axon Loss Reflects Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Severity. Spine 41(9):751-6, 2016.
Murphy, R., He, Y., Janjua, M., Schuerer, D., Ray, W., and Wright, N. Hyperacute Stabilization (<12 hours) for Polytrauma Patients with Unstable Spinal Fracture. J. Neurosurg Sci. 60(1):1-10, 2015.
Wright, N.M., et al. Spinal Sealant System Provides Better Intraoperative Watertight Closure than Standard of Care during Spinal Surgery: A Prospective, Multi-Center, Randomized Controlled Study. Spine 40(8):505-13, 2015.
Bumpass, D.B., Buchowski, J.M., Park, A., Gray, B.L., Agarwal, R., Baty, J., Zebala, L.P., Riew, K.D., Santiago, P., Ray, W.Z., and Wright, N.M. An Update on Civilian Spinal Gunshot Wounds: Treatment, Neurologic Recovery, and Complications. Spine 40(7):450-461, 2015
Sun, S.Q. … Wright, N.M…and Ray, W.Z. Simpson Grade I-III Resection of Spinal Atypical (WHO Grade II) Meningiomas is Associated With Symptom Resolution and Low Recurrence. Neurosurgery 76(6):739-46, 2015
Hawasli, A., Ray, W.Z., and Wright, N.M., Symptomatic thoracic spinal cord herniation: case series and technical report. Neurosurgery 10(S3):E498-504, 2014.
Kim, KD., and Wright, N.M., Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Hydrogel Spinal Sealant (DuraSeal™ Spinal Sealant) as an Adjunct to Sutured Dural Repair in the Spine: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Study. Spine 36(23): 1906-12, 2011.
Marschall J, Bhavan KP, Olsen MA, Fraser VJ, Wright NM, Warren DK. The impact of pre-biopsy antibiotics on pathogen recovery in hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 52(7): 867-72, 2011.
Dorward, I., and Wright, N.M., Seven years experience with C2 translaminar screw fixation- clinical experience and review of the literature. Neurosurgery 68(6):1490-9, 2011.
Bhavan, K.P., Marschall, J., Olsen, M.A., Fraser, V.J., Wright, N.M., and Warren, D.K.. The epidemiology of hematogenous vertebral osteomyelitis: a cohort study in a tertiary care hospital. Biomed Central (BMC) Infectious Diseases 10:158, 2010.
Ray, W.Z., and Wright, N.M.. Anterior cervical arthrodesis using an osteoconductive scaffold: the use of beta-tricalcium phosphate with local bone marrow aspirate in over 100 patients. Spine Arthroplasty Society (SAS) Journal 3(3):114-7, 2009.
Menendez, J. and Wright, N.M. Techniques of posterior C1-2 fusion. Neurosurgery 60(S1):103-111, 2007.
Cassinelli, E., Lee, M., Skalak, A., Ahn, N., and Wright, N.M. Anatomic considerations for the placement of C2 laminar screws. Spine 31(24):2767-2771, 2006.
Ashley, W., and Wright, N.M. A giant nonsyndromic anterior sacral meningocele resected via an anterior approach: case report and review of literature. Surgical Neurology 66(1):89-93, 2006.
Leonard, J.J., and Wright, N.M. Pediatric atlantoaxial fixation with bilateral, crossing C2 translaminar screws. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 104(1):59-63, 2006 [cover article].
Limbrick, D., and Wright, N.M. Verification of nerve
root decompression during minimally-invasive lumbar microdiskectomy: a
practical application of surgeon-driven evoked EMG. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 48:1-5, 2005.
Wright, N.M. Translaminar rigid fixation of the axis. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 3:409-14, 2005.
Guarino, A.H., and Wright, N.M. Pneumocephalus after a lumbar epidural steroid injection. Pain Physician8(2):239-41, 2005.
Wright, N.M. Single-surgeon simultaneous versus staged anterior and posterior spine reconstruction: a comparative study. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques 18(S1):48-57, 2005.
Wright, N.M. Posterior C2 fixation using bilateral, crossing C2 laminar screws: case series and technical note. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques 17(2):158-162, 2004. [cited by more than 100 articles on PubMed]
Cited as paper #75 in The 100 Most Influential Spine Fracture Publications. J Spine Surg 5(1):97-107, 2019.
Jost, S.C., Hsien, T.P., and Wright, N.M. Symptomatic intraosseous synovial cyst in the cervical spine: a case report. Spine 28 (17): E344-6, 2003.
Riew, K.D., Lou, J., Wright, N.M., Cheng, S.L., Bae, T., and Avioli, L.V. Thoracoscopic intradiscal spine fusion using a minimally invasive gene therapy technique. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 85-A (5):866-71, 2003.
Walker, D.H., and Wright, N.M. Bone morphogenetic proteins and spinal fusion. Neurosurgery Focus 13(6) Article 3, 2002.
Patel, N.P., Wright, N.M., Choi, W.W., McBride, D.Q., and Johnson, J.P. Forestier disease associated with a retroodontoid mass causing cervicomedullary compression. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 96(3):190-6, 2002.
Cheng, S.L., Lou, J., Wright, N.M., Lai, C.F., Avioli, L.V., and Riew, K.D. In Vitro and In Vivo induction of bone formation using a recombinant adenoviral vector carrying the human BMP-2 gene. Calcified Tissue International68(2):87-94, 2001. [cited by more than 100 articles on PubMed]
Kaplan, S., Wright, N.M., Yundt, K., and Lauryssen, C. Adjacent fracture-dislocations of the lumbosacral spine: case report. Neurosurgery 44(5):1134-7, 1999.
Wright, N.M., Kaufman, B., Haughey, B., and Lauryssen, C. Reconstruction of complex cervical spine neoplastic disease with a vascularized fibular strut graft: case report. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 90(1):133-9, 1999.
Wright, N.M., and Lauryssen, C. Techniques of posterior C1-2 stabilization. Techniques in Neurosurgery 4(4):286-97, 1998.
Riew, K.D., Wright, N.M., Cheng, S., Avioli, L., Lou, J. Induction of bone formation using a recombinant adenoviral vector carrying the human BMP-2 gene. Calcified Tissue International 63(4):357-60, 1998. [cited by more than 100 articles on PubMed]
Wright, N.M., and Lauryssen, C. Vertebral artery injury in C1/2 transarticular screw fixation: results of a survey of the AANS/CNS joint section on disorders of the spine and peripheral nerves. Journal of Neurosurgery 4(88):634-40, 1998. [cover article] [cited by more than 100 articles on PubMed]
Cited as paper #49 in The 100 Most Influential Publications in Cervical Spine Research. Spine41(6):538-548, 2016.
Cited as paper #18 in The 100 Most Influential Publications in Cervical Spine Surgery. Global Spine J6(1):69-79, 2016.
Cited as paper #24 in Most Cited Publications in Cervical Spine Surgery. Int J Spine Surg 11:19, 2017.
Paw, B., Moskowitz, S., Uhrhammer, N., Wright, N., Kaback, M., and Neufeld, E. Juvenile GM2 gangliosidosis caused by substitution of histidine for arginine at position 499 or 504 of the alpha-subunit of beta-hexosaminidase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 265(16):9452-57, 1990.
Nord, E., Trizna, W., Gravich, A., Mikhail, N., Wright, N., Hafezi, A., and Fine, L. The isolated proximal tubular (PT) cell: a new model for studying hormonal regulation of transport. Kidney International. 25(1):311, 1984.