As you can probably tell from the Educator tab above, I really like to teach. I have been involved in teaching surgical techniques to other doctors at local, regional, national, and international courses for two decades. Covid put a hold on meetings for most of the past year, but fortunately these meetings are starting to come back.
I am most proud of my association with the Cervical Spine Research Society (CSRS), the only professional spine society solely dedicated to the advancement of diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the cervical spine. I have been involved with the CSRS since 2003, and am excited to co-lead the annual instructional course next month in Atlanta.

Dear Colleagues,
Join me in Atlanta for the 2021 Annual Meeting and Instructional Course.
Instructional Course virtual sessions will take place Nov. 29 and 30 and then, on Dec. 1, the course finale will be in-person in Atlanta. A special thank you to the Instructional Course Co-Chairs, Neill Wright and Brian Kwon, as well as to their committee, for putting together a phenomenal program with these amazing sessions:
Deformity for Bread & Butter Cervical Spine Surgeons
Tumor & Infection
Cervical Trauma
Basic Principles of Cervical Deformity, Pearls and Pitfalls
Kick off the 49th Annual Meeting for a pre-meeting reception on Dec. 1. Sessions and symposia will then continue in Atlanta, Dec. 2-4. The Annual Meeting Co-Chairs, Sam Cho and Steve Ludwig, have organized an outstanding program. In addition to 70 abstract presentations of the highest quality, featured sessions include the following symposia:
Pearls of Wisdom for a Successful Research Study
Deformity Considerations for Everyday Cervical Degenerative Conditions
Digital Transformation During the Pandemic: How Did COVID-19 Change the Practice of Cervical Spine Surgery?
Two master debates with world-renowned faculty
Annual Meeting and Instructional Course registration and housing closes November 8!