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Open for Business!

Neill Wright, MD

My non-compete is finally over! My new practice with the Neurosurgery of St Louis group opened last Monday, 5/23/2022, and it is great to be back in practice in St Louis. I was flattered to see how many referring doctors were ready to flood my clinic with cervical patients who have been waiting for my return. I was also flattered to see how this opening was covered in the local press:

We have a beautiful clinic space in the Walker Medical Building off of Outer 40 Road, between Highway 270 and Mason Road. Easy (and free!) parking, convenient radiology adjacent to our clinic, and wonderful and friendly staff to make every patient's visit smooth and hassle-free. I am needing to find additional clinic days as we are already booking into July!

My first surgery in the new practice is already scheduled, and I look forward to operating at Missouri Baptist. It is a beautiful hospital, with private rooms and great amenities. I will also be operating shortly at the surgery center across the hall from our clinic. While my morning surgeries will be recovering at the surgery center, I will be in clinic just a few yards away!

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